Sunday, April 15, 2012

Export Nokia/Symbian contacts to Android/WebOS easily

In this post I will explain how easily you can export your existing mobile contacts to new Android/WebOS handset.

First of all I am not going to suggest you to enter manually each and every contact like most of forum/people suggest, well its easy to do that way but when we are talking contacts more than 25, manually adding them all to new Android/WebOS device is time taking and boring too.

We will do contacts export in three steps
1) Export all you mobile contacts to memory card in .vcf format
2) Convert multiple .vcf files in single .vcf file, because Gmail doesn't allow multi select while importing contacts.
3) Sync your Android/WebOS profile.

Open contacts on your mobile

Select all contacts (mark all)

Copy all to Memory Card

Once you copy them go to location Others\Contacts on memory card
you can see all contacts have exported as .vcf files.
Send these .vcf files to you desktop(Ubuntu/Windows) to some location
c:\contacts or \home\contacts, any name you can choose.

open command prompt in Windows and change directory to location where you copied contacts and run below command to prepare single .vcf file which we can import in Gmail profile.

c:\contacts> copy *.vcf   allcontacts.vcf

this will create allcontacts.vcf file in c:\contacts folder.

Now login to your Gmail account (which you use on Android/WebOS profile)

Click on Gmail there is option for contacts select that.
Once you are on contacts screen select more to see import option
Choose file allcontacts.vcf and press Import button and you are done, all contacts will be imported to your gmail profile and it will automatically be synchronized on your Android/WebOS mobile too.